
Seller Information Form

Seller Information Form

The purchaser(s) have selected our company to conduct the settlement in connection with the sale of your property. As settlement agents, we are responsible for paying off and releasing any and all existing liens against the property, notifying any homeowners association and paying any outstanding dues, conducting the settlement, and forwarding proof of this transaction to the Internal Service Revenue.

Please Provide The Information Below To Assist Us In Processing This Transaction.

Are we allowed to contact your Client? YesNo

Seller Name

Subject Property Address: *

First Name: *

Last Name: *

Social Security Seller #1: *

EIN Numbers: Seller #1: *

Marital Status MarriedSingleDivorcedWidowed

Seller #1 Email: *

Cell No. Seller #1:

Phone No. Seller #1 Work:

Phone No. Seller #1 Home:

Current mailing Address (if different):

Second Seller(if applicable)

First Name:

Last Name:

Social Security Seller #2:

EIN Numbers: Seller #2:

Marital Status MarriedSingleDivorcedWidowed

Seller #2 Email:

Cell No. Seller #2:

Phone No. Seller #2 Work:

Phone No. Seller #2 Home:

Current mailing Address (if different):

Street Address:



Zip Code:


Existing Lender #1:

First Name:

Last Name:

Account No:

Phone No:

Existing Lender #2:

First Name:

Last Name:

Account No:

Phone No:

Homeowner Assoc. Mgmt. Co.:

Phone No:

Is there a 2nd HOA? YesNo

Seller Forwarding Address:

Street Address:

Street Address:



Zip Code:


Title is held in the name of a LLC, corporation, Trust or Estate or subject to a divorce or separation.: YesNo

If yes, please provide copy of Trust or Estate Documents.

Other Comments

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